Sunday, June 12, 2011

tell me a LIE

Something in this world really caught my interest and would die to know more!

Microexpressions  are facial expressions that lasts a fraction of a second. Since microexpressions do not last long, they go undetected in our every day lives. Microexpressions are a type of nonverbal communication. 

In ways, microexpressions can be used to detect if a person do lie. I have this TV series that I do love to death and its called LIE TO ME. Its a series about an agency composing of people who intensely study microexpressions of different people to know who the suspects are. And yeah, its really amazing but have to take the warning that it may somewhat make you a little paranoid! haha. :) 

in here, I googled some pictures and could show you some microexpressions :)

Emotion: Anger

Definition: a strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism

Ways to detect:

  1. Eyebrows are down and close together
  2. Eyes have a glare
  3. Lips are narrow

Emotion: Contempt

Definition: the act of despising : the state of mind of one who despise

Ways to detect:

  1. A corner of the lip is tightened and raised on one side of the face

Emotion: Disgust

Definition: marked aversion aroused by something highly distasteful

Ways to detect:
  1. Nose is wrinkled
  2. Upper lip is raised

Emotion: Fear

Definition: an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger

Ways to detect:
  1. Eyebrows are raised and pulled together
  2. Upper eyelids are raised
  3. Lower eyelids are tensed
  4. Lips are slightly stretched horizontally back to ears

Emotion: Sadness

Definition: affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness

Ways to detect:
  1. Drooping upper eyelids
  2. Eyes appear to be losing focus
  3. Lip corners are slightly pulled down

Emotion: Surprise

Definition: a coming upon unexpectedly; detecting in the act; taking unawares.

Ways to detect:
  1. Eyebrows are raised
  2. Eyes are widened
  3. Mouth is open

Emotion: Happiness

Definition: a state of well-being and contentment

Ways to detect:
  1. Crow's feet wrinkles
  2. Cheeks are pushed up
  3. Muscle that orbits the eye shows movement

 now, this, is a feeling of shame.. hands on the forehead..eyes are a little droopy..

   when someone conspicuously shrugging their means that they dont believe what they are saying or they are lying.

   waving a finger while talking means the person is thinking about what he is going to say without wanting you to know that he is thinking.

if the person is putting fingers over just above his lips it means, he is thinking about something.....

as well as fast blinking of the eyes. 

 pursed lips means hiding something. he dont believe in what he said to you and that the person is lying.

when that person you are asking often looks away (if there is no stimulus around you) it means he is making up something. he's lying.

well, to make everything clear..this is just a study. maybe i find it true :)) 

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